Abbildung von Spielplan Deutsche Oper Spielzeit 2018-19

Photo: © All rights reserved (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

Deutsche Oper Berlin - Repertory season 08/2018-07/2019

Supporting the make-up department at the "Deutsche Oper" at various stagings. Extravagant make-up in a short time and quick changes at the stage are everyday life here. Stage make-up, fixing wigs and beards, applying headdresses and bonding bald heads are among the necessary tasks here.

Link to the program booklet

The "Deutsche Oper Berlin" is the largest of the three opera houses in Berlin. With 1859 seats, the Charlottenburg theater is one of the largest theaters in Germany. The mission of the "Deutsche Oper Berlin" is therefore to cultivate the " major " repertoire of the 19th century, with cornerstones such as Richard Strauss, Richard Wagner, Giacomo Puccini and Giuseppe Verdi.

Repertory season
Deutsche Oper Berlin